About H.O.L.D

When it comes to training Offensive Linemen, I strive to deliver the “HOW” in my instruction through a variety of drills and situations aimed at helping athletes understand the details behind the technique. This allows me to creatively engage and interact with my clients to achieve maximum potential.


Harrison’s Offensive Line Development (H.O.L.D) is an elite Offensive Line development program created by Founder, David Harrison. The program focuses on teaching the fundamental skill development and advancement of the Offensive Line position.

At H.O.L.D, we strive to impact Offensive Line performance through a variety of skill development training centered around our 6 step coaching philosophy. Identify the Needs, Creating the Plan, Establishing Framework, Applying the Principles, Understanding Concepts, and Elevation of Standards. Through an enthusiastic approach to teaching offensive line, we provide athletes with an assortment of tools needed to help enable success while preparing the overall athlete with the skills needed to excel and maximize their personal potential.

We have found that our athletes are more confident and in return prepared to obtain growth and success in playing the position of Offensive Line.

This is H.O.L.D, a group of young men dedicated to consistently improving their craft.